Principal investigator

Dr. Hillary C. Maddin
“Origin and evolution of morphological diversity in amphibians”
Follow @Evo_Deva
Current members
Eleanor Spence – MSc student (2024-present) Project in development
Dr. Ben Otoo – NSF Postdoctoral Fellow (2023-present) “Carboniferous paleoecology”
Caleb Bohus – MSc Student (2023-present) Project in development
Trystan Warnock-Juteau – MSc student (2023-present) Project in development
Caelan Libke – PhD student (2023-present) Project in development
Dr. Thais Condez – Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-present), “Cranial development and evolution in direct developing amphibian species”
Andrew Traynor – PhD student (2021-present), “Evolution and ecology of early synapsids”
Conrad Wilson – PhD Candidate (2021-present), “Paleozoic fish ecology and evolution” (co-supervised with Tetsuto Miyashita)
Jeffrey Yee – MSc student (2021-present), “Regulation of limb development in direct developing species of amphibian” (co-supervised with Tetsuto Miyashita)
Blue Hunter-Moffatt – MSc student (2021-present) “Effects of Late Miocene climate change and grassland expansion on the body size evolution of North American gomphotheres (co-supervised with Dani Fraser)

Dana Korneisel – PhD Candidate (2019-present), “Development and evolution of the atlas-axis complex in tetrapods”
Follow @DanaKorneisel

Misha Whittingham – PhD Candidate (2020-present), “Assessing the paleoecology of Permo-Carboniferous tetrapods using morphological data and floral associations” (co-supervised with Dani Fraser)
Technical wizards
Logan Micucci – fossil preparator
Past members
Zifang Xiong – MSc student (2021-2023), “Anatomy and ecology of a Carboniferous microsaur from Nova Scotia”
Dr. Shreeharsha Tarikere – Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-present), “Developmental genetics of limb development in direct developing amphibian species”
Dr. Thomas Cullen – PDF (2020-2022)
Marissa Livius – MSc student (2020-present), “Endocranial anatomy of Panoplosaurus mirus” (co-supervised with Jordan Mallon)
Mathew Roloson – MSc (2019-2022), “Biogeography of Triceratops” (co-supervised with Jordan Mallon)
Bradley McFeeters – PhD (2016-2022), “Evolution of hadrosaurs in the Campanian of Laramidia”
Jade Atkins – PhD (2015-2021) “Evolution of the head-neck boundary in tetrapods”
Dr. Thomas Arbez – PDF (2019-2021) “Endocranial anatomy of Carboniferous tetrapods”
Erin MacKenzie – MSc (2019-2021) “Influence of brain-skull interactions in the evolution of the amphibian skull”
Matthew Brenning – MSc (2018-2020), co-supervised with Danielle Fraser
Arjan Mann – PhD Candidate (2015-2020) “A revision of the tetrapods of Mazon Creek”
Gabrielle Adams – MSc student (2018-2020), “Anatomy of the embolomere Calligenethlon and review of the embolomeres of Nova Scotia”
Bassel Arnaout – MSc student (2017-2019), “Developmental origin of the cranial vault in Alligator”
Thomas Dudgeon – MSc (2017-2019), “The internal cranial anatomy of Champsosaurus and its functional implications” (co-supervised with Jordan Mallon)
Zoe Landry – HBSc (2018-2019), co-supervised with D. Fraser
Bryan Moore – HBSc (2018-2019), co-supervised with J. Mallon
Lauren Wu – research assistant, volunteer
Mathew Roloson – HBSc (2018-2019), “Retention of larval feeding apparatus in metamorphosed axolotl”
Dr. Donald Fowler – Postdoctoral Fellow (2018-2019), follow @evodevodon
Gabrielle Adams – HBSc (2017-2018), “Embolomerous tetrapod remains from Point Edward, Nova Scotia”
Alanna Cantelon – HBSc (2017-2018), “The relationship between brain and skull development in Ambystoma mexicanum”
Kim Duff – BSc Research Project (2017), “A complementary staging table for the cranium of Ambystoma mexicanum”
Ryan Paterson – MSc (2015-2017), “A complete description and phylogenetic analysis Puijila darwini” (co-supervised with Natalia Rybczynski)
Christian Capehart – DSRI Undergraduate (2017), “New vertebrate fossils from Joggins, Nova Scotia”
Cameron Bushen – DRSI Undergraduate (2017), “Quantitative morphology of salamander skulls”
Brett Roy – HBSc (2016-2017) “Braincase anatomy of the microsaur Pantylus cordatus”
Rebekah Vice – HBSc Honours (2016-2017) “The anatomy of the cranial vault of Alligator mississippiensis”
Mark Bujaki – HBSc (2015-2016) “CT analysis of the braincase of Champsosaurus lindoei and evidence for the neomorphic bone”
Matthew Brenning – HBSc (2015-2016) “Caecilian suture performance in fenestrated and solid skull types”
Robert Stewart – HBSc (2015-2016) “The utility of the quadrate bone in the systematics of Mosasauridae”
Eric Hickie – HBSc (2014-2015) “The braincase of Maiasaura peeblesorum“